
Shelf Life of Avocado Oil: Storage Tips to Maximize Freshness

3 min read

Avocado oil is popular due to its nutritional value and culinary purposes. It is a versatile and nutrient-rich oil. Yet, it can have different shelf lives, concerned basically with its conditions of storage. Keeping its flavor and quality intact ensures a great deal of nutritional benefits. The avocado oil shelf life can be improved with these essential storage tips. Read on!

How long does Avocado Oil last?

Avocado oil usage and its storing mean estimating its shelf-life. If unopened, the package is expected to have a shelf life of 12 to 18 months. When opened originally, the oil would still keep fresh during the first six to eight months beyond that timeframe. This calculation may get varied using storage or type of oil.

avocado oil

Unrefined avocado oil

The unrefined avocado oil can last for 6 months.

Refined avocado oil

The proper storage of refined avocado oil can last up to 8 months.

Signs Your Avocado Oil Has Gone Bad

Even with best storage practices, after a certain time, the oil will start to degrade.

  • Rancid smell
  • Color change
  • Altered taste
  • Cloudiness or sediment


Storage Tips to Maximize Freshness

How long does Avocado Oil last?

To increase the shelf life of avocado oil, proper storage is the key to success.

Store in a cool, dark place

Avocado oil is sensitive to light, heat, and oxygen. Avocado oil should be stored correctly in a cool, dark area free from direct sunlight and any other kind of heat. This slows down the oxidation process, which aids to preserve the oil in its fresh condition.

Keep the lid tight

Exposure to air can boost the rancid process. Make sure you close the lid tightly after every use to minimize the oxidation process.

Refrigerate if necessary

Storing avocado oil in the refrigerator can help to increase the shelf life. This can lead the unrefined avocado oil into a cloudy state or even solidify. This is common; simply place the oil at room temperature to return to its original state. This is a useful storage method if you don’t use the oil in your day-to-day cooking.

Choose dark bottles

Generally, avocado oil is packed in dark bottles that have improved protection against light. Light is one of the important factors in the earlier spoilage of oil. Ensure your storage container and improve its shelf life.

Avoid temperature fluctuations

The temperature change can speed up the oil ruin process. Choosing the right storage area is important; avoid storing avocado oil near places where temperature fluctuates, ovens, stoves, or windows.

Avocado oil is added to the kitchen in many families because of its high smoke points, nutritional benefits, and rich flavor content. You should consider the storage requirement to ensure that you can store the oil effectively. Knowing does avocado oil expire is important, and by following these storage tips you can improve the freshness, flavor, and other benefits of the oil. That’s how people improve the shelf life of the avocado oil in the best way possible.